Programs and Initiatives

The core programs at NJ 211 are centered on our critical hotlines that connect individuals to agencies and programs for health and human services needs. Our programs have expanded over the years to become a centralized hub, staffed by dedicated specialists, who offer compassion and assistance when NJ residents need it most. In addition to our 211 service and statewide services directory, we provide a variety of other government and nonprofit initiatives with programs from state, county, and nonprofit partners. From eligibility screenings to emergency placement coordination and much more, our team and programs offer help for a wide range of social, health, and economic challenges through our hotline and our partners’ programs.
211 Service Explanation
211 Service
211 is a statewide information and referral service for health, emergency, and human services. NJ residents can access a 24/7 hotline and an online, searchable directory of social services on our website homepage.