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In the Community

NJ 211 Community Engagement and Connection

Man stands in front of table at event

NJ 211 is deeply committed to the residents of New Jersey - and it shows in our continual community outreach through various channels. We're actively engaged by participating in conferences, exhibiting at events, and conducting virtual and in-person presentations. These multifaceted activities enable us to share our expertise, promote and inform others about our services, and foster connections with other nonprofit and government organizations. We also engage with community members to listen to their needs and concerns, and net out with invaluable feedback that helps us continually evolve and improve our services.

Assisting NJ Residents and Organizations

Reaching the Public

As our 211 call center serves the entire state, we strive to break down barriers to access by engaging with the public at community fairs, school events, conferences, and in-person and virtual events. For example, we participated in the First Lady's Nurture New Jersey Resource Fair where English and Spanish-speaking representatives reached out to more individuals, breaking down the language barrier and informing attendees of services available to them (e.g., utility assistance, healthcare, child care assistance).

Educational Events for Organizations

NJ 211 hosts and participates in community and educational events to inform attendees and organizational teams about the benefits and services of NJ 211 as well as how to be emergency ready. This proactive approach helps us reach underserved populations and ensure that everyone has access to viral resources. For instance, by exhibiting at the New Jersey Academy of Pediatrics Annual Conference, we connected with health professionals to explain our services and and how 211 can benefit their patients. 

Data and Tools for Greater Insight

Our involvement helps enhance other organizational efforts by providing valuable insights, sharing critical information and fostering a collaborative spirit. Together, we can make a significant impact on the community we serve.

  • We share our wealth of knowledge about local services and resources with partners and funders
  • Our data efforts enable us to gather critical information about community needs and trends. We analyze this data to provide valuable insights, helping to inform policy decisions and shape programs that address the most pressing issues on a local and state level

By engaging in conversation at the New Jersey Association of Counties year-end Summit on Homelessness, we brought our expertise and data to the table to discuss current trends, the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, and other pertinent information. We also discussed race, poverty, and neglect as they pertain to the child welfare system in New Jersey and throughout the country, with national and state experts from government and nonprofit agencies at a conference hosted by the Department of Children and Families. 

Training for Nonprofits, Businesses, and Government Agencies

To ensure that community members and service providers are well informed about NJ 211, we offer training and educational resources onsite at organizations' premises or through convenient webinars. Our website and other tools also help facilitate easy access to our critical information and services. These trainings are for social service agencies, municipalities, and other who serve as powerful referral sources for their clients and constituents.

Training Covers

  • Benefits and services of NJ 211
  • How to use to the NJ 211 database and list your organization in our database
  • Valuable insights from our database and extensive experience
  • Support options to aid organizations and agencies
  • Perspectives to policy and municipal planning

By providing training and an overview of NJ 211 to Family Success Centers, we were able to reach more people in need, spread awareness about our services, and collect feedback. We also train law enforcement and other professionals deployed in crisis situations, as our direct understanding of the assistance available prepares responders and helps provide hope to those in need. 

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Here Are Some of Our Recent Events

Two women stand infront of informational table

Attending events like Morris County's "Project Homeless Connect" allows NJ 211 team members to connect firsthand with community members seeking various health and human resources such as housing.

three women standing at table smiling

Attending statewide conferences like the New Jersey League of Municipalities allows NJ 211 to foster and build essential connections to legislators, nonprofits, and government officials across New Jersey, strengthening our impact and reach to people who are seeking assistance.

three men, one woman smiling

Members of our Community Engagement team attend events such as the Malcolm Jenkin's Foundation "Get Ready Fest" to inform residents about our services, and encourage other attending agencies to join our social service directory or update their existing information.


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Family of three hugging

"211 is the lifeline of New Jersey. We plan on spreading additional awareness about 211 when we expand our community outreach efforts this year.”

Rosa Pagnillo-Lopez
PSEG Payment Assistance Outreach Specialist

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