Media Center
NJ 211 Promotional Tools
Getting the word out about NJ 211 is key to helping New Jersey residents. Here, you’ll find everything your organization needs with an array of promotional tools about NJ 211 services and programs to print or download.
Posters, Videos, and More

Items such as program-specific posters, flyers, videos, and social copy, in multiple languages are available in our NJ 211 Public Awareness Toolkit and our Program Document Library.
You may request the following promotional materials in larger quantities online by emailing or submitting this request form.
Print Materials for Mass Distribution

Bilingual Panel Card (8.5" x 3.5")
- Provides e,amples of the many needs NJ 211 addresses and our contact information
- Professionals working with people looking for help with basic needs typically order a supply and distribute them widely
- Perfect handout at food pantries, hospitals, child care centers, health fairs, etc
- Fit into a business-sized envelope.

Bilingual Wallet Cards (3.25" x 2")
- Provides easy reference to the many ways people can reach out for help
- Easily fits into a wallet or pocket

Posters (11" x 17")
- Available in English and Spanish
- Provides examples of the many needs NJ 211 addresses and our contact information
- Perfect for waiting areas, bathrooms, and other public places.
If you are a media representative and would like to speak to a member of our team, please call Dana Catapano, our Community Engagement Director, at 973-957-7203.