Affordable Childcare
The New Jersey Division of Family Development has created a searchable online database of childcare providers. The Licensed Childcare Center Explorer provides access to up-to-date information regarding the safety, health, and regulatory compliance of over 6,000 licensed child care centers in New Jersey. When visiting a childcare center, parents should ask plenty of questions about the center’s policies and procedures. The New Jersey Association of Childcare Resource and Referral Agencies provides helpful tips for choosing childcare. They also provide information about financial assistance.
Childcare Aware of New Jersey also has various resources, tips, and more.
Parents can discuss childcare options and financial assistance at their county’s childcare resource and referral agencies.
Childcare Subsidy
The Childcare Subsidy program provides low and moderate-income working parents with state subsidies for childcare, including preschool instruction, after-school programs for children up to age 13, and care for children and teens with special needs. Parents must be New Jersey residents and must work a minimum of 30 hours per week or be enrolled in a school/training program for a minimum of 20 hours. Families must meet income requirements and not have assets that exceed 1 million dollars. Additional information can be found in their brochure (English/Spanish). To learn more about these state subsidies, or for help in finding quality child care, call the Child Care Helpline at 800-332-9227 or contact your county's Referral Agency.