Other Utility Programs that May Help
Comfort Partners
Comfort Partners reduces households’ utility bills by implementing cost-effective measures to save energy and money. Households receive energy education and counseling along with home repairs and appliance replacements, which may include thermostats, refrigerators, installation upgrades, and more. For more information and to apply, call 866-378-4345 or visit their website.
Eligibility: The household must have significant electric and/or gas energy use and have a household income at or below 250% of the federal poverty line. The household must have lived in the home for at least one year. Households may be eligible if they receive assistance from the Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP, USF), Lifeline, Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled, Section 8 Housing, Supplemental Security Income, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or General Assistance.
Payment Assistance for Gas & Electric (PAGE) Program
The PAGE program provides energy (gas and electric) assistance to households experiencing a temporary financial crisis. Households receive up to $700 per utility per calendar year. As of September 19, 2024, no new applications are being accepted.
NJ SHARES SMART Utility Assistance Program
The SMART Utility Assistance Program provides energy (gas and electric) assistance to households experiencing a temporary financial crisis. Households may receive up to $500 per utility per calendar year.
Eligibility: If eligible, the household must have received assistance through the Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP, USF) and the Payment Assistance Gas and Electric (NJ BPU PAGE) and still need assistance. The household must have an income at or below State Median Income guidelines and be experiencing a temporary financial crisis. The household must also have an account with Atlantic City Electric, Elizabethtown Gas, JCP&L, New Jersey Natural Gas, PSE&G, or Rockland Electric and South Jersey Gas.
Application: Households can apply online or complete a paper application.
NJ SHARES Energy Assistance Grant
This grant provides energy (gas and electric) assistance to households experiencing a temporary financial crisis. Households receive up to $700 per utility per calendar year.
Eligibility: The household must have an income at or above 60% of the State Median Income guidelines but below 400% of the Federal Poverty Level. The household must also be experiencing a temporary financial crisis and have an account with Atlantic City Electric, Elizabethtown Gas, JCP&L, New Jersey Natural Gas, PSE&G, or Rockland Electric and South Jersey Gas.
Application: Households can apply online or complete a paper application.
NJ SHARES Municipal Customer Assistance Program (MCAP)
This program provides water, sewer, and electric assistance to households with municipal utility accounts who are experiencing a temporary financial crisis. Households receive up to $200 per utility per calendar year.
Eligibility: The household must have a municipal utility account and be experiencing a temporary financial crisis. The household's income must be at or below 400% of the Federal Poverty Level. Income limits differ for those with disabilities or who are 65 or older.
Application: Households can apply online or complete a paper application.
Lifeline Program
The Lifeline Program is a utility assistance program for older adults and people with disabilities. It includes utility customers and tenants whose utility bills are included in their rent. Households receive a $225 benefit annually. For more information, call 800-792-9745.
Eligibility: Individuals must receive Medical Assistance to the Aged, Medical Assistance Only, or New Jersey Care, Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD), or meet the PAAD eligibility requirements.
Application: Complete the NJSave application. Individuals receiving Medical Assistance to the Aged, Medical Assistance Only, or New Jersey Care are sent an application automatically every August.
Winter Termination Program
The Winter Termination Program protects households from having their electric, sewer, and water service discontinued by a local authority, municipal utility, or rural electric cooperative from November 15th through March 15th. Households enrolled in certain other programs (including Supplemental Security Income, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, USF, GA, HEA, and Lifeline) are protected by the Winter Termination Program. An additional “catch-all” category is also included for those who cannot pay their utility bills due to a financial crisis beyond their control. For more information, view the Winter Termination flyer, visit the DCAID portal, or call 2-1-1.