Can't Dial 2-1-1?
Cell Phones
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Currently 2-1-1 is accessible for callers with using any cell phone carrier. If it is not working from your carrier, you can reach us by dialing 877-352-1148, and report to your carrier that you cannot dial 2-1-1. They will not take reports from us on your behalf.
2-1-1 Calls from Work
Locations Agencies, Government Entities and Companies - If you are unable to access 2-1-1 from your work phone talk with your technical/communications department to request 2-1-1 dialing access. Until the situation is corrected, you can reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148.
2-1-1 Calls from Home
If you are unable to access 2-1-1 from home it may be because you are using VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) through a cable company. Some VOIP providers give their customers full access to 2-1-1 service. Others only provide access to 2-1-1 upon customer request. They will not accept trouble reports from 2-1-1 on your behalf. The best way to correct the problem is to call your service provider's customer service line and report that you cannot dial 2-1-1. Until the problem is corrected you can reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148.
If you cannot reach 2-1-1 and are in need of immediate assistance, call 877-652-1148 or initiate a LIVE CHAT, to connect with a caring professional who knows community resources and can make help happen.