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Nutrition Programs for Senior Citizens

Programs Providing Meal Services

Every county in New Jersey offers community programs providing meals to individuals aged 60 and older. These programs include:

  • Congregate or group meals: For seniors who can travel and enjoy social interaction.
  • Home-delivered meals: For homebound individuals unable to prepare their own food.

These federally funded programs offer meals for a “suggested contribution.” Others, funded by private organizations, may charge a fee based on the actual cost of the service. 


Congregate or Group Meals

If you can still get around your community and would benefit from nutritious food and companionship, congregate or group meals may be a good option. These programs, administered by the Area Agencies on Aging, provide at least one hot, nutritious meal per day, five or more days a week. Meals are served at locations like senior centers, schools, or churches.

The program is available to all persons aged 60 or over and their spouses, regardless of age. Participants can contribute whatever they can afford toward the cost of these meals. Reservations are often required 24 hours in advance. To find out what is available in your community, call the Aging and Disability Resource Connection at 877-222-3737.

Home-Delivered Meals

For seniors who are homebound due to illness, disability, or isolation, the Meals on Wheels program may provide much-needed support. This federally funded service, administered by the Area Agencies on Aging, offers at least one hot meal per day, five days a week. Weekend and holiday meals for eligible participants and meals for a spouse, if it supports the homebound individual. 

The program is available to persons aged 60 or over. A formal needs assessment must be completed for participation. To find out if you qualify or to learn more, call the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) at 877-222-3737. 

Privately Funded Programs

In addition to federally funded programs, many privately funded organizations, such as churches and civic groups, offer meal services to disabled or isolated individuals, temporarily ill, or unable to travel or prepare their meals.

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